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    "You should be more conscious when you are sleeping"

    -Isabella Hatkoff  (June 2010) on the breaking a pinky promise by her dad who was a sleeping


    "You can't solve a problem with the same kind of thinking that created it."
    -Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

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    - Walter the Farting Dog

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    SNL Geitner Skit Offers Best Suggestion Yet: $420 Billion Prize to Anyone Who Can Solve Banking Crisis

    Toast or Roast: You Know You've Finally Arrived When You've Made It To Saturday Night Live

    SNL Geitner Parody: Accurate, Hysterical and Terrifying


     You know you've finally arrived when you are the opening skit for Saturday Night Live  (takes a minute to load or just click link).  This may be the  major achievement on Tim Geitner's resume as Secretary of the Treasury. The first 90 seconds is a painfully accurate assessment of the current state of play. The idea of offering a $420 billion prize to anyone who can come up with a solution to the banking crisis (complete with sharing arrangement for multiple winners) is unfortunately the best idea anyone in DOT has come up with yet and the real Geitner ought to grab credit for it before he completely evaporates the remaining precious few ounces of credibility he has left.  The reality is otherwise that the $420 billion prize will go to distress debt grave dancers, hedge funds and other players who will traffic in this tragedy of national ineptitude.  Common Cents 101: Can't have an economy that runs on credit without a banking system. All other change you canbelieve in is just a deeply discounted and devalued currency of the realm.


      Here is the SNL skit (hot linked if video doesn't load automatically)


    P.S. Remember our earlier entries about Geitner's eeiry resemblance to Doogie Howser. Well here is the Doogster himself playing along with the SNL Orchestra-- okay so  this  is a bit random.  Also I have discovered that the hulu  version of the SNL Geitner skit has a 30 second advertisement pre-roll versus the NBC version which only has 15 seconds.  Maybe Treasury is getting rev share off the hulu  30 second ads.  Hopefully if so they are paying their taxes as well.

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