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    Slight Difference of Opinion: Republican Commerce Ex-Nominee Likes Bailout; Hates Budget, Stimulus

    Drudge All-Red Headline: Senator Gregg Believes Obama Budget Will Bankrupt the U.S.

    More Visibility on Commerce Secretary Withdrawal Over Policy Differences from Interview on CNN


    The aisle-crossing, tax-paying,  conservative political chameleon Senator Judd Gregg  (R-NH)  withdrew with grace and dignity from the Oprompter's  bi-partisan nomination for Secretary of Commerce based on "irreconcilable policy differences." The withdrawal  generated a bit of a "yo wassup?" reaction that was pretty much taken at face value.  But his appearance on CNN's "State of the Union" sheds a new light at how big the policy chasm actually is? It would appear that the stimulus chasm is Kierkegaardian in nature and scope  that requires a leap of faith that Gregg, undoubtedly a god-fearing consevative, is unwilling to make: Obama's bailout plan is a just a couple  trillion dollar bet he can live with but  the O-budget will bankrupt the U.S.  Kind of puts things in perpective.






    Senator Gregg on CNN's State of the Union (March 22)




    Picture of Chairman Judd Gregg
    Judd Gregg (R-NH)

    Sen. Gregg says Obama budget will bankrupt US

    SunMar22, 9:47amET

    WASHINGTON – The top Republican on the Senate Budget Committee says the Obama administration is on the right course to save the nation's financial system.

    But Sen. Judd Gregg of New Hampshire also says President Barack Obama's massive budget proposal will bankrupt the country.

    Gregg says he has no regrets in withdrawing his nomination to become commerce secretary. He pulled out after deciding he could not fully back the administration's economic policies.

    The senator said Obama's spending plan in the midst of a prolonged recession would leave the next generation with a country too expensive to live in.

    Gregg appeared Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union."



    Here is Senator Gregg's rather gracious but lengthy withdrawal (and slightly rambly) statement:



     Your move Mr. President....



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